Noel, and his team, will apply their marketing savvy to tailor a game plan in conjunction with the owner to make sure the property is marketed creatively and effectively.

As an agent of Avenue 8, we have a platform designed to sell your home faster and for top dollar. It can track comparable properties, view your listing’s traffic, and gauge marketing performance - all at a moment’s notice.

We have access to an in-house marketing and advertising agency that ensures every home we represent is portrayed in its finest light across every medium - from eye catching billboards and installations to stunning print materials and digital campaigns.


What you’ll get with Noel



The Avenue 8 Platform

  • Your listing gets shared with all Avenue 8 agents

  • View your listing’s traffic

  • Track comparable properties



High Quality Design

  • In-house marketing & advertising agency

  • Custom Website

  • Custom Brochure

  • Custom Email


Eye Catching Advertising

  • Listing on MLS with stunning color photo

  • Displayed in Weekly Email Newsletter from Noel

  • Open Houses

  • For Sale Sign



Let’s get started.